Thursday, March 26, 2015

Can We Have This Baby Yet;-

I will go ahead and be honest; I am so ready to get this baby out of me. Pregnancy is so beautiful and so overrated! It is so much fun until well, it isn't. When it gets to the point where you can't sleep, go potty a million times, and have a baby punching you in every inch of your abdomen, it just gets tiresome. I don't believe that I will ever be a girl that "loves" pregnancy! Not to mention I am so close to my due date that I'm just ready to meet mine and John's little girl. Even if that does mean hearing that little cry or spending my nights wide awake because I have a baby that wants to be fed. It's so crazy that the next few weeks is mine and John's last few weeks with just ourselves. It still blows my mind that we are having a baby! 

So here is my little questionnaire!

How far along are you? I am 36 weeks and 2 days today! 

Total weight gain/loss: As of today at my doctor's appointment I have only gained 4 pounds my entire pregnancy! I'm still prepregnancy weight! :p

Maternity Clothes? I still haven't bought anything new. As you can tell Nike shorts and frockets are my thing, but hey it was my thing before I got pregnant. I'm sure John wishes I would dress a lot nicer, but actually so does everyone. My family is always telling me how sloppy I look, but it's just so tiresome trying to find something to wear when you don't want anything on your belly.

Stretch Marks? I have ONE stretch mark. It is right next to my appendix scar. Anyone close to my knows what my appendix scar looks like. Well not I have a stretch mark that makes my scar look like an arrow. Little it looks like this (  -------->  ) with the stretch mark being the arrow head,lol.

Sleep? Well that's nonexistent. I've been taking Unisom a lot more than I have my entire pregnancy. If I take one before bed, I have a better chance of not waking up every hour to go potty.

Movement: Does she ever stop? Man I miss just the little jabs I used to get from her. Now that she doesn't have any space inside of my stomach, every little movement is pain. :(

Food Cravings? Mexican, mexican, mexican. &- Johnny's pizza. I don't think that these are cravings really because I mean I want this stuff even when I'm not pregnant. lol, but since I can't really eat these things because of my gall bladder, it just makes me want them more!

Baby Stats: I had an ultrasound about 3-4 weeks ago and at that time she was measuring a week ahead so today would make her 37 weeks and 2 days. She was also in the 75th percentile which is good and she was weighing around 5 pounds 5 ounces. I'm sure she's close to 7 pounds now, but thankfully ultrasounds can be way off when it comes to the baby's weight!

  • Indigestion/Heartburn - this stuff is miserable! I try not to eat too close to bed time because I know that I will be in pain later if I do. It really all depends on what I eat though and I very rarely have to take Tums!
  • Heat flashes - at night I can go from hot to cold in a matter of minutes! I would like my normal temperature back! lol
  • Swelling - this is very rare, but it does happen. Even when my fingers/ankles do swell it isn't much! I drink so much water that I'm surprised I swell at all.
  • Braxton Hicks - these practice contractions can be a pain in the butt. They hurt so bad sometimes, but luckily they aren't the real thing. Even though I wish they were the real thing so that I could go to the hospital and have Baby E! :P
Labor Signs? I am 2 cm dilated, but naturally I could stay this way until I am 40 weeks. :(

What I Miss: I miss being able to eat whatever I want, being able to fall asleep at a decent time, and being able to sleep throughout the night.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Hospital food! Haha, but seriously, I am so excited! Of course I can't wait to meet Baby E and bring her home and spend all of my time with her! I'm going to be so exhausted and so stressed, but I can't wait! 

And here is our newest and LAST 4D ultrasound! We got this done yesterday so she was 36 weeks and 1 day! Still praying she comes out with John's nose and dimples! 


Sweet Little Pregnant Belly;-

Getting excited to welcome our baby girl into the world!
A HUGE thank you to Miss Katie Miller for these beautiful pictures!

What's A Baby Without A Baby Shower;-

I said in my last post which I know was forever ago that I would post pictures from my baby showers! I had three wonderful showers all with three super cute themes! All of the people who hosted the showers did an AMAZING job! I can definitely say that Baby E and myself had a great time celebrating her through the month of February and March!

Theme Number 1: MERMAIDS

This cake was absolutely to die for. One of my wonderful littles in Phi Mu made it just for the shower. It definitely turned out adorable, too bad I didn't eat any! Actually I didn't eat any of the cakes from any of my three showers. I know that is crazy, but the only sweets I have wanted to eat this entire pregnancy are ice cream and candy! The three beautiful women in the picture above would be my wonderful hostess for this baby shower! My two littles Chelsie and Kirstie, then one of my very best friends since the 2nd grade, Caitlin! I am so glad that these three came together and put on an amazing shower! I know Baby E will love having them in her life and she grows and gets older! I got a ton of presents at this shower! John had his hands full when I got home and he definitely enjoyed going through all of the presents! We also enjoyed reading all of the books that people bought us for us to read to Baby E after she is born! It was a great way to start her little library!

Theme Number 2: Vintage, Pink, Baby Girl

This baby shower was put on by my mom and the wonderful Miller family. We had this shower in Bossier which was awesome because I got to see so many people that I hadn't seen in a long time. I loved the mason jars and decorations that Kylie's mom used! They did such a wonderful job! (Especially since I haven't been too keen on pink here lately.) The games were a ton of fun during this shower, like guessing the baby food and baby bingo for when I opened up presents! I want to say that I definitely got most of E's clothes from this baby shower! I came home with so many clothes it was crazy! John and I went through every single one and singled out the 0-3 months just so we could go ahead and get everything washed before Baby E made her appearance! After the shower, Kylie's younger sister, Katie, took my maternity pictures which we had a blast doing! It definitely made me excited to bring E into the real world! Not to mention Katie did a wonderful job!! Below is a picture of the cake that my mom had made, which matched the theme perfectly!

Theme Number 3: Zebra

 This shower was hosted by my cousin Jessica! We held it at my grandparents church and it was very laid back. I enjoyed seeing family that I hadn't seen in many years and the food was yummy! It was kind of like a mini Thanksgiving! Ok that is only because I got my Mammaw Judy to make deviled eggs, lol. Really though I have to say that first place for food goes to this baby shower! I guess that is the best thing about family putting something together, is everyone makes home cooked foods. We received a ton of monogrammed items which was awesome because I loved anything (well almost anything) that is monogrammed. A lot of the gifts that we got at this baby shower were homemade, monogrammed, etc. We got her crib bedding and a ton of super cute blankets! After this baby shower we had almost everything we needed to get E's room set up for her arrival! The things that we didn't have, we had gift cards for so we were able to get everything together.